Thursday, November 21, 2002

"BAD ADVICE": I swear, this is my last Michael Jackson note of the week. Maybe month. You may have to wait until 5764 for the next one. But for that one time a month when Larry King asks an almost-tough question and the travelling freakshow that is David Gest and Liza Minnelli gives a revealing answer, let's go to the videotape:

MINNELLI: I think what David is trying to tell you is the person that we know...

KING: There are two Michaels.

MINNELLI: Is a rather regular guy, believe it or not.

KING: How do you think he let himself get -- he looked, you know, in court when he was appearing last week in a court case. And the face, you know, the nose needs so much work. You know, why -- do you know why he did all that?

GEST: Well, sometimes people tell you that if you do certain things, you'll look better, you'll feel better and you leave to it people who you trust and....

KING: Bad advice.

GEST: Bad advice.

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