Thursday, November 17, 2005

AND I'D ALSO LEARN TO TO THE TRIPLE-LINDY: Slate is spending this week asking noted academics "what should undergraduates leave college knowing?", so let me ask this related question: what's the one course you wish you took in college but didn't?

For me, it's Art and Architecture of Europe from 1400 to 1800. Because my advisor, Hadley Arkes, kept pushing me to take it but I didn't, overloading on political science, history and film studies instead where I was more confident about my ability to succeed. And that has left me lacking ever since. I was fortunate in my post-college years to spend a good deal of time with people who were happy to ramp up my arts learning curve, but still, I'm a few steps behind.

You? Links to actual courses from your actual alma mater are welcome.

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