Wednesday, April 4, 2007

MAKE THEM THINK THEY STAND A CHANCE THEN REFUSE TO SEE IT THROUGH: Granted, it's Michael Riedel, but can dozens of screaming Things Throwers really be so, so wrong?

In fairness to Mr. Riedel and those who agree with him, it is most assuredly true that Max Crumm needs to change his name, pronto. But who are all these people who thought that Austin the supreme cameralicker and Ashley the all-too-forgettable Jane-Krakowski-wannabe were so much better than Max and Laura that they bought Grease tickets for the show long before the winners were announced and then demanded refunds when America disagreed?

And while the folks around here (in which I include all of you who have been part of our ongoing Project Broadway conversation) aren't Riedel's "Broadway community," it's safe to say that we're not total philistines when it comes to either (a) musicals or (b) reality TV competitions -- and as for the intersection of the two, I think we're not half bad.

So . . . what are we missing?

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