Friday, May 30, 2008

ROUND SEVEN BEGINS: 16 spellers...

2:05 pm -- We begin with "pyrrhotism" which means red-hairedness. And Samia becomes the first person to make it in Round 7.

2:08 pm -- Tia Thomas' mom just jumped up and down screaming with excitement as her daughter spelled "canicular" successfully. I kind love her for that. She couldn't contain it. And dove her face into her husband's shoulder, totally embarrassed after. It was hilarious and so perfect.

2:16 pm -- I'm now officially rooting for Rose Sloan. Her happiness is infectious. LOVE her.

Can I state that I'm not a fan of people who make witty bon mots while they are supposed to be spelling? Like "Can you give me the California pronunciation?" Stop working at the cute. You are cute by virtue of your appearance at the Bee, your embrace of the purely geeky, the bizarre choice to spend time spelling. You need not say witty remarks. And this year's witty remarks are not the same as the awesome kid who quoted Napoleon Dynamite a few years ago. That was true geek thundering mightily to be heard. It was magic. What I wouldn't give for a little geek magic this year...

And...the Jamaican is down...

Wow, picry = poison ivy? Good to know.

2:26 pm - So, with the loss of Sade Dunbar, we are now looking at an all-American final. Which is fine. I'll just miss the accents. But we do have an excellent group heading into prime time. 13 people. An equal range of boys and girls, a multi-ethnic mix...

Okay Cherry Mathis just went down. So now...12 people. MAN! I wanted her in prime time! The last accent is gone...

That's it, folks. Now the press is going to spend a couple of hours abusing Matthew Evans and then we'll all gather up our wine glasses, our dictionaries and our petty shallow thoughts and meet again in prime time!

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