Monday, October 6, 2008

SVELTE, BUOYANT WATERFOWL: Berkeley Breathed plans on retiring from the comics business -- this time, for real? -- on November 2, 2008.

The Bloom County creator was interviewed by the Onion AV Club's Tasha Robinson back in August 2001, during an earlier hiatus:

O: People frequently compare you to Bill Watterson, I think in part because both your strips centered on a sense of whimsy, but also because your work left them with few comparisons. Do you think there's a valid parallel?

BB: No. He was the real thing. I was just scampering nude through the aisles before anybody could kick me out. Garry Trudeau was our greatest satirist in the second half of the century. Crazy ol' Bill Watterson created the purest comic strip, after Peanuts, probably. Or before Peanuts became a shadow. Bless him for quitting at the top. It's not easy.

In 2007, Breathed opened up his iPod shuffle to the Club. Of his ownership of Carrie Underwood's "Before He Cheats," he asserts: "[O]ne has to agree that the line She's probably up singing some white-trash version of Shania karaoke would be enough to kindle the passing intellectual interest of an erudite Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist curious about the social pathologies of people living in places that get hit by tornados."

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