Friday, March 27, 2009

NOBODY CRITICIZE BEN SILVERMAN EVER AGAIN, PLEASE: Ausiello says, of the rumor Matt noted some weeks ago, that NBC will announce the two-season, 26-episode pickup of Friday Night Lights any day now. A mini-dose of Tyra and no Lyla because they're committed to pilots, says Ausiello, but frankly, after the two of them spent three years as Dillon seniors, Lyla's story is done and it would be nice to just check in with Tyra occasionally. The important thing is to pay off the promise of that awesome, awesome final scene.

Incidentally, has the non-DirecTV season ended yet? We haven't done any FNL posts since I finished the DirecTV season, but if anyone wants to jump in here to talk about the parts of FNL that have aired on NBC to date (please, no spoilers for anything that hasn't aired on NBC yet), have at it. Smash? Street? Tim Riggins in New York? Crucifictorius doing "She Don't Use Jelly"?

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