Wednesday, February 22, 2012

WITH YOUR HOST, RICHARD DAWSON: When I was watching -- and rather enjoying -- Full Metal Jousting, it occurred to me that reality television was nearing the asymptote defined as a vertical line at The Running Man. The curve, however, has bent. Ladies and gentlemen: Ultimate Tazer Ball.


  1. Chuck4:01 PM

    1) Is this a hoax?
    2) Article mentions the sport is illegal in Canada, then says one of the four teams is the Toronto Terror.  Sounds like some bad planning.

  2. They should just use knives, or maybe syringes filled with a cocktail of paralytics, hallucinogens, and chemical sterilization agents.  Best of both worlds would be knives dipped in a cocktail of paralytics, hallucinogens, and chemical sterilization agents.

  3. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Extreme Crocball, by the Perry Bible Fellowship


  4. Anonymous10:12 PM
